As we reflect on the past month, it's evident that we've encountered our fair share of challenges, particularly with the Twin Creeks Well. Our community's resilience and understanding during this time has been greatly appreciated. The issues we faced with the Twin Creeks Well prompted us to take necessary actions. When it became clear that our water supply was not meeting the demands, we had to make difficult decisions in the interest of the community's well-being. Requesting water conservation was the initial step, which was followed by the implementation of resolutions to limit outdoor water usage. I understand that the temporary restrictions caused frustration, especially as warmer weather invited the desire to maintain lush lawns. Your disappointment resonates with me, and I want to assure you that your concerns were heard. We all share the aspiration for beautiful outdoor spaces, yet we must remember that there are
essential priorities that take precedence. Water, as we know, is an invaluable resource.
Ensuring a consistent supply for firefighting, personal hygiene, and drinking remains paramount. These are the cornerstones of our well-being, and safeguarding them must always guide our decisions.
While the inconvenience of watering schedules can be felt, the broader perspective of securing these vital needs must be our guiding light. Diagnosing and addressing issues with our wells is a challenging process that demands time and patience. The recent issues with the Twin Creeks Well was determined to be caused by its aging pump. To resolve this, a new pump has been custom produced to the Well’s specs. The next step involves the installation of this pump as we continue to maintain the water levels. It is important to acknowledge that well related complications are not uncommon, and they often intensify during the summer months when water usage surges. This situation undoubtedly poses difficulties for all of us. However, I implore you to keep sight of the bigger picture.
I genuinely appreciate your understanding, patience and cooperation. The well-being of our city and its residents is a shared responsibility and commitment, as we appreciate the broader significance of our actions. Thank you for your support and as always, I am honored to serve as your mayor
Mayor Steve Corr
We would like to address an important matter regarding our recent communication about Water Conservation measures and Resolution 2023-03, adopted by the City Council earlier this month, following the rescinded Resolution 2023-02.
In our previous communication, there was an error regarding the water schedule, and we sincerely apologize for any confusion this may have caused. The accurate watering schedule for residents is as follows: Watering Days:
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Watering Hours: Between 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM
We understand the inconvenience this mistake may have caused, and we deeply regret any confusion or disruption to your routine. Water conservation remains our top priority, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact City Hall
Welcome Back to School Troy! It is September, which means storytime is back from hiatus. Storytime will resume on September 21st. Storytime will be every Thursday at 10:30 a.m., except on holidays and when otherwise posted. September’s STEAM to-go activity is my perennial favorite – geodes! Who doesn’t love a rock with a mystery waiting to be cracked open? The to-go kits will be available starting September 20th. This activity is geared towards elementary-age kiddos. Supplies are limited, and to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.
Did you know that the Friends of the Troy Library has a book sale at the library? The prices are incredibly reasonable, and all the proceeds support the Troy Community Library programming. Stop by the library, buy a book, and help fund library programs – you will also leave with a warm fuzzy knowing that you supported the library.
If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311 or email troy@latahlibrary.org

The Neuman Forest Environmental Learning Pavilions
The Neuman Forest Environmental Learning Pavilions, located at the end of Judy’s Trail in Troy, has been awarded the Core77 Design Award 2023: Student Winner—Built Environmental Award: Located at the end of a recently completed trail through a ponderosa pine forest in rural Troy, Idaho, the Neuman Forest Environmental Learning Pavilions act as a lens for direct engagement with this unique landscape. They provide multiple educational spaces (the site is walkable from the local K-12 school), as well as a refuge for community members and visitors alike to engage with the surrounding woods.
Students working as a part of Idaho Design Build collaborated with numerous stakeholders that impacted the resulting project. These included the land owner, the Palouse Land Trust (who oversee the conservation easement on the site), educators from Troy schools, a Structural Engineer and Professor Emeritus of Renewable Materials, a local lumber mill, city and county officials, material and financial donors, forestry conservation experts, multiple community organizations, and the composite materials lab at a neighboring university.
Having so many partners imbued the educational experience with a richness of perspectives and expertise. This integrated approach transformed an initial desire for a simple shelter in the woods, into a more meaningful resolution of community needs, ranging from conservation to education to recreation. Now open to the public, the Pavilions offer on-site meeting space for groups like the Idaho Forest Stewards, immersive educational opportunities for the children of Troy Schools, and a quiet space to pause and reflect on this unique, preserved landscape. The Pavilions are a key element in landowner Judy Lalonde's vision of the forest and trail system as a publicly accessible community asset.
They also demonstrate an architecture in keeping with the PLT's vision for places where the community intertwines with the natural world, one complimenting the other. Through responsive, resilient, and precise design, the students of Idaho Design Build have also ensured that the Pavilions can remain as a functional and enjoyable amenity for years to come. - News Source: https://designawards.core77.com

All proceeds from the Tiny Trojans Gear Sale support our amazing Troy Preschool. Funds raised help with tuition assistance for families in need, classroom supplies, and field trip opportunities for Tiny Trojans. We appreciate your support!
Available Youth Sizes: YXS to YXL | Available Adult Sizes: S to 4XL ORDER HERE: https://customink.com/fundraising/troy-preschool-fundraiser
