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Troy Talk - October 2022

Writer's picture: TroyTalkTroyTalk

How did summer go by so quickly? Even though this may not have been the hottest summer on record, many of us have spent a lot of time out and about this year. As fantastic as summer was, though, I personally am looking forward to the cooler fall temperatures. And, speaking of fall, students are back in school!

It is always an exciting time for our community when our students are back in school. There are so many activities happening and so many different ways to support our student population, even for those of us who don’t have students in school. You can find a fundraiser to support, attend a game or buy season tickets.

Since students are back in school, we also need to be aware that there are students walking and driving to school. Please pay special attention to school zones on Big Meadow Road. Motorists, watch for pedestrians in crosswalks and stop for them. Pedestrians, make sure you use the crosswalks and do not jaywalk. If you are driving yourself or others to school, pay attention to speed limits. (They are there for a reason) The Latah Sheriff's Department can sometimes be seen patrolling to help ensure everyone’s safety, but we all play a part in ensuring our students’ safety.

The school year is both a busy and exciting time for Troy.

As I think about all the activities happening, I know one thing - The community will be out in force to support our students!

I hope you all enjoy the new School Year and as always, I am proud to be your Mayor!

Mayor Steve Corr


October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is here and it's National Cybersecurity Month! From our desks and homes to on the go, we work, learn and play online.

Even when we are not directly connected to the internet, our critical infrastructure is. The vast, worldwide connection of computers, data and websites supporting our everyday lives through financial transactions, transportation systems, healthcare records, emergency response systems, personal communications and more impacts everyone.

Cybersecurity is the mechanism that maximizes our ability to grow commerce, communications, community, and content in a connected world. No individual, business or government entity is solely responsible for securing the internet. Everyone has a role in securing their part of cyberspace, including the devices and networks they use.

If each of us does our part – implementing stronger security practices, raising community awareness, educating young people or training employees – together we will be a digital society safer and more resistant from attacks and more resilient if an attack occurs.

For tips and ideas to become more cyber secure at home, work and play, visit the Department of Homeland Security’s Stop. Think. Connect website at: connect-toolkit.



Home Heating Safety Tips

Nothing beats curling up by the fireplace with a good book. But, did you know that heating equipment is one of the leading causes of home fire deaths? According to the National Fire Protection Association, nearly half (48%) of all home heating fires occur in December, January and February. Following a few simple safety tips and precautions can help you prevent most heating fires from happening.

  • Keep anything that can burn at least 3-feet from all heat sources, such as fireplaces, wood stoves, radiators, space heaters or candles.

  • Never use an oven to heat your home.

  • Turn space heaters off when you leave the room or go to bed.

  • Plug only one heat producing appliance (like a space heater) directly into an electrical outlet at a time. (Never use an extension cord.)

  • Maintain heating equipment and chimneys by having them cleaned and inspected each year by a professional.

  • Place ashes in an approved fire resistant container (such as a metal bucket) and ensure the ashes are completely cool before discarding into the trash.

  • Ensure you have working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home.

  • Practice fire drills with your family a couple times a year. Do the drills at different times of the day and night.

  • Ensure there are 2 ways out of each room.

  • Make sure every family member knows your meeting place.

We want everyone to have a safe, warm winter. Please make sure to follow these important fire safety tips to help reduce your risk of a home heating fire.


Winter is just around the corner. Please remember to remove trailers, parked cars and other items from the side of the streets to allow for plowing once the snow arrives.

Temporary winter parking is available at the back parking lot at the city park FREE of charge. PERMIT REQUIRED. For more info on how to obtain a permit , please contact City Hall.


Veggie Burger Feed & Auction

The Troy Seventh-Day Adventist church annual veggie burger feed and auction will be held Nov. 5, 2022. The burger feed will start at 6 PM & the auction will begin at 7 PM. If you would like to support this community auction, please bring items to the church the evening of the auction and take to the main desk area to have it signed in. Johnson-Lam will be the auctioneers. Church address is 1158 Big Meadow Rd., Troy.]


Christmas Fest at the park 2022

The 2nd Annual Christmas Fest at the Park is scheduled for Dec. 3, 2022. If you would like to donate towards this event, now is the time. There are a lot of festivities planned, so stay tuned! As always, thank you to all our contributors and volunteers who helped make last year's event a huge success. If you would like to participate in any way please call City Hall at (208) 835-2741


We have a bunch of things happening at the Troy Community Library this October. Are you interested in learning about local candidates running for office this year? There will be a Candidate Forum at the Troy Community Library on October 12th, 6:00-8:30 pm. There will be candidates running for Idaho Senate, Idaho House Seat (6A), Idaho House Seat (6B), Latah County Commissioner (2nd District), Latah County Commissioner (3rd District), Clerk of the District Court, and Latah County Treasurer. Refreshments will be served after the moderated discussion.

The October STEAM Take-away Activity is geodes. The STEAM activity will be available starting on October 19th. These activities are geared towards elementary-age kiddos. Supplies are limited, to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Come trick-or-treating at the Troy Community Library on October 27th and 31st. Kids can trick-or-treat for books and other goodies at the library. Please stop by and show me your costumes – I love to see everybody dressed up!

Storytime is every Thursday at 10:30 am at the library, except on holidays and when otherwise posted. There will be no storytime on October 6th.

There will be a fun Halloween-themed storytime on October 27th. Come in costume if you like.

If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311 or email


NOTICE: If at any time you notice recycling bins full or almost full please let City Hall know by calling 208.835.2741 We truly appreciate it ♥



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