NOV. 11 at 2PM | Main Street, Troy
The Veterans Day Parade will be held on NOVEMBER 11th at 2:00 PM on Main Street. All veterans and community members are invited. Be sure to also visit the Troy Historical Society & Museum which will be open to visitors before and after the parade.

QUILTS OF VALOR: If you are a veteran or a family member of a veteran who has not received a Quilt of Valor, please contact Janet O'Connor at 208-669-0536 for information about the program.
2020 Quilts of Valor recipient:
Clayton Henry Orson Zolber
05/23/25 - 02/13/21

Clayton was a WWII veteran who served in Japan, Guam and Okinawa . He was awarded the American Theater Ribbon, Asiatic-Pacific Theater and World War II Victory medals. He was very honored to be the Grand Marshall in the November 2020 Troy Veteran’s Day parade.

Welcome November!
While November can be full of beauty – as the leaves fall from the trees, creating a gorgeous Fall landscape – it is also the time of year when things start to become chilly. November is also the host month for many celebrations! Other than being the month of Thanksgiving, it is also officially American Indian Heritage Month, and Good Nutrition Month – though by the time Thanksgiving rolls around, the latter of these two themes might fall by the wayside! Oddly, November is also National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month in the US. Quite how well that goes down with turkey, we’re not sure we want to know!
The heaviest turkey in the world weighed in at a whopping 86 pounds. That's right!
The turkey even had a name - Tyson - He was raised in Peterborough, United Kingdom by Philip Cook of Leacroft Turkeys Ltd.

After 12 years of dedicated service to the City of Troy, Diana Buzga has decided to fully retire as the City’s Deputy Clerk. Diana’s hard work and diligence will be sorely missed and we wish her all the best in her new endeavors which we know she will embrace wholeheartedly.
Therefore, the City of Troy now has an opening for a part-time Deputy Clerk position. Further information and applications can be found on our website at or picked up at City Hall.

Did you know Idaho Family Reading Week (FRW) is in November? To celebrate FRW, the Troy Library will have a reading-themed to-go craft for all ages. The bookish craft will be available starting November 15th. The library will also be giving away FREE books to kids (0-14 years old) the last two weeks of November, to celebrate FRW and encourage reading. The books have been generously provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries (ICFL).
The November STEAM Take-away Activity is geodes. The STEAM activity will be available starting on November 8th. These activities are geared towards elementary-age kiddos. Supplies are limited, to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311 or email
Every 2nd & last Wednesday of the month
Sit down lunch at the Troy Lutheran Church Community Hall.
The Troy City Council will hold a public hearing at 5 pm on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Troy City Hall, 519 S. Main, Troy, ID, 83871 for the purpose of hearing public comments regarding amending City of Troy City Code Title 3, Chapter 5, Regulations for Burning, and to explain the reasons for such action.
Amending City of Troy City Code Title 3, Chapter 5, Regulations for Burning; amending the regulations for burning within City limits; adding definitions; adding the procedure for obtaining a burn permit from the City; changing the dates a burn permit is required; regulating open burning within City limits; providing for severability, and effective upon publication. A full text is available at Troy City Hall, 519 S. Main, Troy, ID 83871, M-F 8:30 AM - 5 PM. APPROVED by the City Council of Troy, this 27th day of October 2021.
The Troy City Council will hold a public hearing at 5 pm on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, Troy City Hall, 519 S. Main, Troy, ID, 83871 for the purpose of hearing public comments regarding building inspection fee schedule increase of $75 for zoning assessments in the City of Troy and to explain the reasons for such action.
Accommodations for individuals who qualify under the ADA are available upon request. Notice is required 3 working days prior to the hearing to acquire accommodations. The full proposal is available at the address above, (208) 835-2741.
