Troy Farmhands 4-H club had its last meeting on April 11th at 6:30 PM at the Troy Lions hall. There were two project demonstrations that were presented. First by Lyla Moser (Know before you sew) and second by Amanda Moore (Daily routine).
Doctor Bass gave a presentation about fish on market animals. On April 15th a few of the Troy Farmhands talked in front of the Troy Lions club explaining why 4-H was important to them.
Report Submitted By: Katelynn Moore

Joseph Domet, Lyla Moser, Vincent Bass, Tina Bass

Tuesday, May 18th
THS Gym | 6:00PM
Troy Jr/ Sr Band & Choir
COVID safety measures will be followed.

WHERE? Dumpster Station. Enter from Highway 99. Please do not enter from 6th or 7th Street. The line forms off of Highway 99.
HOW? Bring your trash to the dumpster station OR have the Troy Fire Department help you with your items. More info in the next Troy Talk.
NOTE: Please be considerate of our volunteers! Do not request for them to pick up excessive amounts of materials or unsanitary items.
The City of Troy greatly appreciates the volunteers from the Troy Fire Department that assist with making this community event possible. The city asks that you respect that they are volunteers and thank them accordingly.
Monetary donations to the Troy Fire Department accepted and appreciated but not required. Contact City Hall at 835-2741 for more information or to schedule a pick-up.
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month
UPCOMING: MAY 12, 2021 (12:00 - 1:00)
Curbside pickup in front of Troy Lions Hall.
Call Sandy at 208.835.6092 to pre-order your lunch
The Troy Community Library is still closed because of COVID-19. However, patrons will be able to put holds on items from their home libraries. If your home Library is Troy, you will be able to put holds on items currently on the shelves at the Troy Community Library. Patrons will NOT be able to places holds on items from other libraries at this time. Curbside holds pickup will be made by appointment only. Once holds have been placed, I will call patrons to set up a pickup time. Please visit and Facebook page ( for up-to-date information and an abundance of online resources. The LCLD online resources include eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital magazines, video streaming, storytime (via Facebook), babytime (via Facebook), and Whatcha Reading Wednesday (a book discussion group, via Facebook), and more! Storytime: Cancelled until further notice.
Questions? Please contact 208-835-4311 or
MAY 05, 2021 | Troy lions hall | 12PM-6PM
The Troy Lions are sponsoring a Red cross Blood Drive. Honor your Mother and save three lives by donating a unit of blood.
Drop-ins are welcome. Social distancing and masks encouraged.
Call Marilyn at 208 835-2400 to schedule an appointment.

The TROY LIONS CLUB invites the community to a program presented by the NORTHWEST CHILDREN'S HOME on Thursday, May 20 at 7:30 pm at the Troy Lions Hall.
The home offers aide and education for troubled youths in our area.
Presenters will be Director of Program Development Tracy Horvak and CEO Brian Pope. Brian, is a former Trojan and has been associated with the NWCH for many years. Everyone is cordially invited to join us for dessert and an evening of information about a worthy organization.
Community Fitness at the Park with Alycia Bond
Saturdays 3PM - 4PM

All fitness levels welcome. From beginner to advanced. Just bring your own mat and water bottle. Everything else needed will be included. Alycia has worked in the fitness industry for 13 years and has a wealth of fitness knowledge. Class will be $10 for an hour, punch pass of 10 for $75.
Contact Alycia Bond at 949-423-8132 or
Troy Community Garden

Want to grow your own veggies this season? Come pick your plot at the Troy Community Garden. Free seeds and starts available to those who sign up for a plot!
Contact Ember at 208-883-2267 or email
Classes: Tues. & Thur. from 9 AM-10 AM
Troy's Fit & Fall proof exercise class for seniors is FREE& will resume on May 4, 2021, at the Troy Lions Club. For everyone's safety, participants must be fully vaccinated against COVID19 or agree to wear a mask until we are past the pandemic.
For more info please contact: Karen Nelson
(208) 835-5242
