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Troy Talk - July 2022

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Letter from the Mayor

Dear Neighbors and Friends,

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as the Mayor of Troy. I am committed to maintaining our small-town charm by ensuring the safety and integrity of our neighborhoods and the quality of our

services. We continue to make great strides towards that goal. Troy has been fortunate. Because of prudent financial planning, good decision-making, and an incredibly dedicated council and staff, the city maintains its strong financial position.

So many projects were accomplished in 2021, here are some highlights: After nearly 12 years in the making, the 6th Street Bridge was finally completed. The City also completed phase one of the major water infrastructure improvement to replace the aging water transmission line (from the reservoir to the filtration plant). This project will improve and expand the drinking water delivery system in Troy. Phase two will begin later this summer. Additionally, Front Street services and water main replacement was also completed in the summer of 2021. Our aging infrastructure contributes to some of the problems we face during the year such as broken pipes and water leaks. In some neighborhoods, pipes are well over 100 years old.

In July of 2021, Troy hosted the Governor’s Capital for a Day event. The event was a great success and was attended by about 150 community members. Little, spent the day talking to local residents and answering questions they had on a variety of topics. As the year came to an end, the City hosted its first annual tree lighting ceremony at the City Park. Community members braved the weather and gathered at the park for this wonderful new tradition to kick off the holiday season. We are looking forward to the next one, which is scheduled to be held Dec 3 2022 (Only 6 months away!)

2022 was off to a rough start when the City’s Maintenance Department pole building collapsed following a heavy snow storm. A new pole building is scheduled to be built later this summer, which will be much sturdier and allow for the storage of several City vehicles, equipment, and gravel. A new sweeper was purchased by the City this spring and it has been doing a great job on the streets. The old sweeper stopped working, and finding a mechanic who could fix it proved to be challenging!

With warmer weather finally here, several City streets have been worked on recently. The following have been paved and should be much more pleasant to drive on: Bentz St., Castle Lane, Front St., and B St. Unfortunately, the City has encountered some challenges with 5th street during the process, however, it will also be paved in the very near future. Thank you all for your patience! Last but not least, Big Meadow Road received a makeover and was chip sealed.

This summer, the City Maintenance Department will resume the installation of the automated water meters. This will allow residents to be billed for their actual usage each month instead of estimating it. It has always been difficult to read meters during the winter months, so automated meters will make things easier for all. Also in the works, is the resurfacing of the Tennis Courts and the addition of pickleball courts. We are hoping that weather permitting, work will begin this summer!

Lastly, the City recently applied for the LHTAC Child Pedestrian Safety grant with the goal to achieve a safer pedestrian route along Big Meadow Rd. If awarded, the project will likely be multi-phased eventually creating a continuous safe route for children pedestrians who walk to/from school, downtown, and the park. We are keeping our fingers crossed and will keep you all posted either way.

On behalf of city officials and staff, I thank you for your continued support as we strive to provide services that will benefit our future and the future of our youth. As always, my door remains open and I welcome you to share your ideas and concerns with me.

Mayor Corr


Troy Farmhands had their last 4-H meeting June 5. We had 5 project demonstrations, and talked about our fundraiser for Troy Days. On May 26, we went to Burnt Ridge, and Dry Creek cemeteries, and put flags on veterans graves for Memorial Day. On June 9, Troy Farmhands 4-H club picked up trash along Driscoll Ridge Road. Their next meeting will be July 10, at the Troy High School Ag room at 6:00pm.



Burn Permits are required from MAY 10 to OCT 20 every year for the burning of trash, lumber, yard waste, straw, papers or any other combustible material . Permits are FREE and can be obtained at City Hall. If you would like more info, please call 208.835.2741Open burning is allowed for garden waste, tree trimmings, and brush only. ( City Code 3-5-6)


NOTICE: If at any time you notice recycling bins full or almost full please let City Hall know by calling 208.835.2741 We truly appreciate it ♥



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