As we move forward into another promising month, I would like to share with you some significant developments that mark an important step forward in our city's infrastructure and environmental stewardship. But first, I wish to express my gratitude to two key figures in our community.
I would like to thank Fire Chief John Bohman for his service and dedication through his leadership of the Troy Volunteer Fire Department. Chief Bohman’s efforts have ensured the safety and well-being of our city, earning him the respect and admiration of all who have had the pleasure of working alongside him. As he continues in his role as Commissioner, we look forward to his ongoing contributions to our community. At the same time, I am delighted to welcome Kyle Osborn as our new Fire Chief. Kyle’s commitment to public service promises excellence in emergency response and community safety. Please join me in supporting Chief Osborn as he serves this very important role.
Turning our attention to a major development, our city is preparing to undertake a large project that promises to secure Troy's health and environmental sustainability for generations to come.
Our wastewater treatment facility, a fundamental part of our community's infrastructure, is in need of major upgrades to comply with DEQ permit standards. We have been potentially awarded $9 million in grant funds from DEQ which is especially noteworthy as Troy often does not qualify for such grants due to our higher median income. Therefore, we are particularly grateful for this substantial aid towards the total project cost of approximately $13 million.
In the weeks ahead, we will share more detailed information about this project's scope, timeline, and impact. Public involvement is crucial in this transformative endeavor. We will be hosting an Open House meeting on May 8th, 2024, at the Troy Lions Hall, where city engineers will present the project and answer any questions from patrons. I encourage everyone to review the facility plan that is available on our website at www.Troyidaho.net to understand how these upgrades will benefit our city.
As we progress with these developments, let us remember that together, we will continue to build a sustainable and prepared community for the future. Thank you for your continued support, and as always, I am proud to be your Mayor.
Mayor Steve Corr

It is already February and we are a month into Winter Reading. However, it is not too late to participate in Winter Reading and win prizes.
The last day to turn in your Winter Reading Challenge is February 29th. If you win a prize from the drawing, I will contact you so you can claim it. A Valentine’s Day card-making station will be available at the library from February 5th to February 14th. Who does not love getting a homemade Valentine’s Day card?
The February STEAM to-go activity is string art. This is a fun, artsy, and timely project for Valentine’s Day. The activity will be available starting February 7th. The activity is for kids in third grade and up; this is not a good activity for younger children. Supplies are limited, and to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Storytime is every Thursday at 10:30 am at the library, except on holidays and when otherwise posted.
If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311 or email troy@latahlibrary.org

FROM THE TROY LIONS: If you've received your Troy LIONS Community Calendar but haven't paid yet, please send your payment as soon as possible. Calendars cost $8.00. Black and white ads were $50, and colored ads were $55. Your prompt payment will help us finalize this project, which supports scholarships and grants in our community. Please send checks to: Troy Lions, POB 417, Troy Id. 83871.

CHAS Health Care is coming to Troy
CHAS Health Care is coming to Troy on March 6. An RN, the Mobile Health Program Director, and a Community Health Worker will be at Troy Lutheran from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Appointments are not needed for this initial visit from CHAS, but anyone wishing to see the staff will need photo ID and insurance information (if any). More details will be available soon.
