Hard to believe it is already February! Luckily, this month happens to be shorter than all the rest and gets us all closer to Spring. The last few days of January have brought some extreme frigid temperatures, which have caused several pipes around town to freeze. Temperatures only need to drop to about 20° F for a few hours to put exposed pipes at risk. If at all possible, your best bet is to insulate your exposed pipes to keep that temperature well above the freezing point. Running cold tap water through the pipe - even at a trickle - also helps prevent pipes from freezing. Let's just hope the cold front is behind us for now.
Winter can sure seem very long and dreary and even though February is a short month, it is usually the snowiest. During this time of the year, many of us tend to experience cabin fever. Venturing out for some fresh air is important and despite the cold, there are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy in our little community. These activities range from cross-country skiing to snowshoeing and even sledding. But, if you are not a fan of the outdoors, and winter sports are not your thing, then that is all right too!
You can always try to catch a basketball game at the school. It is always great to support our Trojan athletes!
In other news, the City sander quit working in January, and after numerous attempts to repair it with no success, a new one has been ordered. Our public works department has been doing the best they can rocking the streets without one until it arrives. We appreciate your patience and understanding with this. Also, the Hammond Addition booster station is being constructed by the water tank on Mountain View. This is the 2nd phase of the water transmission line project and the crew has been working on it for the last month. All the work being done will improve the overall drinking water system reliability in Troy.
Finally, I would also like to express my sincerest gratitude to everyone that attended our city public hearing on January 25th. No matter the topic or the outcome, community participation is always encouraged and very important. Thank you all for continuing to make Troy the amazing community that it is and, as always, I am proud to be your Mayor!
Mayor Steve Corr

More than 36 MILLION heart shaped boxes of chocolate are sold for Valentine's Day each year.
There were four presidents born in February including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, William Harrison & Ronald Reagan.

The Troy Lions have a few extra Troy Lions community calendars for sale at the reduced price of $6.00. They can be obtained at city hall or from lions Marie Vogel 208-835-2021 or Marilyn Kerns 208-835-2400.

Enrollment coming in early March Check out troypreschool.net for more information
The Latah County Library District’s Winter Reading Program (WRP) is under way and runs through February, so it is not too ate to still participate. This program is for ALL ages. You may pick up WRP challenge cards at any Latah County Library, including the Troy Community Library. Complete your challenge card to find out if you win a prize. The February STEAM Activity is a combo in-person event and to-go activity.
We will be building Toothbrush Bots on February 15th, from 4-5:30 pm. This should be a fun, straightforward build; the bots are very entertaining. If you can’t build your bot at the library, I will have some available as to-go kits. The to-go kit will be available starting on February 15th after 4 pm. This activity is geared towards elementary-age kiddos. Supplies are limited, and to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Story time is every Thursday at 10:30 am at the library, except on holidays and when otherwise posted. Happy Winter Reading!
If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311 or email troy@latahlibrary.org
