As we welcome the warmer breezes of spring, I am optimistic for the future of our city. First and foremost, we have a number of significant projects on the horizon aimed at enhancing our community's infrastructure and services. Among these is the much-anticipated upgrade of our Wastewater Facility. This important project will be the focus of an Open House scheduled for May 8th at the Lion's Hall, just before the bond election on May 21st.
This will be a pivotal moment for our city, and I strongly encourage all of you to attend, ask questions, and get involved. Your participation is crucial as we make decisions that will shape the future of Troy. If you receive City services, you will be getting a flyer in the mail that will share more in-depth information about the project, so please keep an eye out for it.
Secondly, in my conversations with many of you, the desire for a Community/Senior Center in Troy has been a recurring theme. I share your vision and understand the value such a center would bring to our community, especially considering that we are one of the few cities in Latah County without one.
The challenge, as we've discovered, lies in finding a suitable commercial property. Whether it's availability or affordability, the obstacles have been significant.
Over the years, the City has explored several options, yet we find ourselves at a crossroads, needing more than ever the collective input and support of our community.
To this end, we will soon be launching a survey to gather your thoughts, preferences, and suggestions regarding the potential of a Community/Senior Center.
Your feedback is invaluable and will play a critical role in turning this long-held dream into a reality. In the coming weeks, we will be reaching out in a manner similar to our efforts during the Comprehensive Plan development, with individuals visiting homes to discuss the project and the survey. This approach proved effective in the past, and we believe it will encourage open dialogue and gather essential insights from all of you.
Understanding the financial implications of such an endeavor, we are also keen to hear from those willing to contribute towards the realization of the Community/Senior Center. Financial support from the community will be a key component of this project, and we are eager to explore all avenues of funding to make this dream achievable for Troy.
As your Mayor, I am committed to listening to your voices and working to address the needs and aspirations of our community. The projects and initiatives we undertake are for the benefit of all residents, aimed at enhancing our quality of life and ensuring a bright future for the City. Let's embrace the opportunities that might arise and move forward together with a shared vision for our community.
As always, I am proud to be your Mayor.
- Mayor Steve Corr

Troy Thrift Store Update
Troy Thrift Store has begun the remodeling project. We are unable to receive donations at this time; however, please take donations to the Deary Thrift Store. For questions, contact June Miner at (360) 269-1063. We will keep you updated with photos on our progress through Facebook. (June Bethel & Adventist Community Services). Thank you to community friends for helping raise the money for this project.
In April, the Troy Community Library hosts several events. The Hill and Valley Garden Club will offer gardening help and resources on April 10th, from 3:30-5:30 pm, including a plant and seed exchange. This free, all-ages event covers composting, pollinators, seed saving, and native plants. The library's April STEAM Take-home Activity features constellations, with kits available from April 24th for elementary-age children, distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Storytime occurs every Thursday at 10:30 am, except holidays or as noted.
Thank you Troy Lions!
Thank you to the Troy Lions Club for their commitment to our community. Their support of many programs, including the Troy Youth Sports Programs, has been instrumental in its growth and in promoting healthy, active lifestyles among our children. We deeply appreciate all that they do for our community and offer our sincere gratitude for their significant impact.

City of Troy- Wastewater Systems Improvements Project
The City of Troy owns and operates a municipal wastewater system providing collection and treatment services for residents and businesses within City limits. The proposed wastewater improvements project involves a comprehensive approach to address regulatory concerns and compliance issues related to the Idaho Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (IPDES) discharge permit. Instead of upgrading the existing, aging facilities to achieve current and anticipated discharge limits, the City has opted for a slow-rate land application option, which includes significant infrastructure changes. It is assumed that discharge into the West Fork Little Bear Creek will be eliminated and no longer regulated under an IPDES permit. Instead, a new reuse permit will be required in the future.
How is the City proposing to pay for this project?
In January 2023, the City submitted a letter of interest package to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). In June 2023, IDEQ notified the City that a proposed $13.2M ($8.9M grant/pf and $4.3M loan), funding package is available to fund the City’s project. However, because IDEQ is offering a loan to the City, the City must first obtain community authorization through an election process. The election process is called a revenue bond election. Language is placed on the ballot for voter consideration. If approved, the City can accept the loan offer to help finance the proposed improvements.
Per Idaho Code “bond impact”: “The interest rate anticipated on the proposed bonds is 1.75%. The total principal amount to be repaid over the life of the bonds is $4,400,000; the total interest estimated to be paid over the life of the bonds is $1,268,436; the total amount estimated to be repaid over the life of the bonds is $5,668,436. The bonds will be payable over a term which may be less than but which will not exceed forty (40) years. The estimated average annual cost to the taxpayer on the proposed bond is a tax of $0.00 per $100,000 of taxable assessed value, per year, based on current conditions. As of May 21, 2024 (the bond election date), the total existing bonded indebtedness of the City, including interest accrued, is $0.00.”
Open House:
An Open House is scheduled for May 8th, 2024, at the Troy Lions Hall, 415 S. Main Street beginning at 6pm. The Open House will give the public a chance to meet and talk with the City’s bond counsel, consulting engineers, and community leaders to ask questions about the improvements project and the revenue bond election.
Bond Election: Tuesday, May 21st, 2024, Troy Lions Hall 8 AM - 8 PM.

Troy Preschool has partnered with Potting Shed Creations for a springtime shopping extravaganza!
Ready to get your garden started?
Need to check off your mother’s day shopping?
Help support the Troy Preschool by placing an order with a preschool family. Online Ordering is available for those who need their purchases shipped. Orders may be placed at pottingshedcreations.com Make sure to type “Troy Preschool” into the Order Comments Section during checkout to ensure the preschool is credited for your order.
Fundraiser Closes Thursday, April 18th
