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Troy Talk - April 2022

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2023 Distinguished Young Women

Pictured Left: Katelyn Gray accepting her certificate & medallion as Troy's 2023 DYW from Troy's 2022 DYW,Morgan Blazzard.

CONGRATULATIONS, KATELYN GRAY, AND CONGRATULATIONS TO THIS YEAR'S PARTICIPANTS! We look forward to having Katelyn Gray represent our Community this year and represent Troy at the Idaho State Distinguished Young Women Program in October! A huge thank you to all of our generous donors for helping make this year a great success! Also, thank you to all who participated in this year's "Night on the Lake" Cour D'Alene Resort Package Raffle. This year's winner was Jeffery Nelson of Troy. 2023 DYW Troy First Alternate: Morgan McCully, 2023 DYW Troy Finalist (in no particular order): Claudia Bishop & Christina Isaacs.

Read Across America: TES participated in National Read Across America-Dr. Seuss Day. We had a kick off assembly where Cat in the Hat made an appearance and classes announced their class goals. Many of the goals include reading a specific number of books, word count, and a scavenger hunt. Six graders became hosts in the library and spent time reading with the younger students and helping them with the scavenger hunt. Together as a whole school, we all joined in with our Dr. Suess song.


Spring has finally sprung! There is something energizing about April that makes you think of possibilities: longer days, green leaves popping out on trees, flowers blooming — a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. So, let's take a look at some special days in April!

  • 7th April – No Housework Day.

A personal favorite, is that day when you don’t have to feel guilty when you convince yourself that the giant pile of clothes on your floor can wait another day, it’s practically mandatory.

  • 11th April – Teach Children To Save Day.

The American Bankers Association have sponsored this day since its inception in 1997.

Volunteers from the banking world give talks at schools across America about the importance of saving money from an early age.

  • 22nd April – Jelly Bean Day.

These tasty treats come in literally any flavor you can think of, so there’s something to please everyone. Jelly beans have been around since the mid-19th Century, when people used to send them to soldiers during the American Civil War.

  • 27th April – Tell A Story Day.

You know how there’s always that one person you know who can talk and talk about the most inane details of their lives? And no matter how hard you try you just cannot seem to escape the incessant boredom? Well April 27th is Tell A Story Day, so you have to put up with it. More fun ways to celebrate this day includes reading a story to children.


On April 15, 1912, the famous Titanic ship hit an iceberg and sunk on her first and only voyage.
After a 1,500 year break, the first Olympics of the modern era took place on April 6, 1896, in Athens.

Troy Community Garden

PLOTS Available for the 2022 Growing Season!

UI Extension will have plant starts available toward the end of May. If you have questions or are interested in a plot, contact Ember at or 208-883-2267.

City Code & Ordinance Reminders:

  • It shall be unlawful for any person to burn trash, lumber, yard waste, straw, papers, or any other combustible material outside of any building district of the City from May 10 - Oct. 20 without first obtaining a permit from City Hall. (Ord. 2021-003, 12-8-2021)

  • Open burning is allowed for garden waste, tree trimmings, and brush only. ( City Code 3-5-6)

  • Roosters are prohibited within City Limits. (Please refer to Troy Code 6-3:1-21 for more info)

  • Dogs: Please keep your dogs on your property or on a leash (Please refer toTroy Code: 6-2:1-17)

  • All Troy codes and ordinances are available online at

Troy Lions are sponsoring a Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday May 4th from 12 noon until 6pm. Each donated unit saves three lives.
Honor your mothers and donate to save three lives. Call Marilyn 208 835-2400 to schedule an appointment. Also a quick reminder to send payment for your 2022 Lions Community Calendar. Calendars are $8.00. Bills were included with your calendar. Additional calendars are available for a reduced price. Call Marilyn 208 835-2400 for more information.



Thank you Friends of the Troy Community Library for helping to sponsor our library’s programming; such as the Summer Reading Program and monthly STEAM Take-away Activities, among others. The Friends held their last meeting in March 2022. At this meeting, new leadership was agreed upon. Jeff Shrewsberry is the new president and longtime treasurer, Leanne Brocke, decided to step down. A huge thank you to Leanne Brocke for her many years of service!

If you would like to help support our library, consider joining or donating to the Troy Friends group. Stop by the library or contact me if you would like more information. You can also learn more about the Friends by attending their next meeting on April 6th, at 6:00 pm at the library.

The April STEAM Take-away Activity is jelly spheres. The activity will be available starting on April 13th. These activities are geared towards elementary-age kiddos. Supplies are limited, to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311or email


Spring Riddles

  • I fall, but I don’t get hurt. I pour, but I’m not a jug. I help plants grow, but I’m not the sun. What am I? The Rain

  • What can run but can’t walk? Water

  • What is a bow that can’t be tied? A Rainbow.


All Vehicles, Campers, Trailers and Boats that have been parked at the City overflow parking lot over the winter need to be moved no later than: MAY 15, 2022


NOTICE: If at any time you notice recycling bins full or almost full please let City Hall know by calling 208.835.2741 We truly appreciate it ♥



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